The Value of Life … April 18, 2024

What if “this is it”? What if there is no soul that carries on beyond death. You die and you are dead, from that point no awareness, no consciousness, just nothing… a nothing you are not even aware of. Life would be considered precious.

Religion offers the promise of eternal life. Paradise without end. At least they think that.

What value would this life, this organic life we live that lasts less than 100 years? How does this life, the only one we have, compare to eternity?

To exercise maximum control over its subjects, religion must have you ready to sacrifice your life in service to it. If your life is cheap here, then you won’t mind losing it, as you will then enter a new life for eternity. Religion cheapens this life.

Religion paints itself as pure, totally good. It hides behind this veneer to lure its victims. In reality, religions, all religions… are evil. Any religion that can elicit behavior from its subjects, in effect, directing them, is evil incarnate. The leaders, of course, being human, will never fail to direct the followers to assume their causes, their self-interests. They promise paradise eternal. They deliver war and suffering.

Religions carry negative value. They always have.

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