Science Doesn’t Matter… April 17, 2024

Humans do not need science, or actively reject it, when emotions override reason. Although society will not permit me to be frank, there are many instances where groups have insisted on acceptance, and even though science has not proven their existence, they demand it. They have threatened, they have rioted, they will be accepted as legitimate, regardless of their lack of basis for same.

This has occurred many times. Some forget that these illegitimate groups have been elevated to legitimacy through coercion. It continues today. People who formally were considered liberal are labeled as bigots and shamed into silence. To hold a contrary view of this is not permitted by politically correct society. So it is, all groups are closeminded about some things. Narrow minded is usually the domain of the far right. You can suddenly acquire the narrow-minded label merely by questioning the legitimacy of some facts.

This post is vague. It is so on purpose. This is to hopefully avoid being torched out of house and home.

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