Biblical Morality: Inspired Word of God says so….

“God is the source of all that is Good.” That’s what he said, honest. Then again, doesn’t the same God claim to be the source of everything, nothing having existed before he said… “LET THERE…..” One can derive from this proclamation that whereas all good has it’s origins in God, so does all bad.

The other day I came upon an interesting question. The question was “If Satan died, would God create another?” My immediate respond was “probably”. Without the bad, the good would not look so good. The contrast is very important. Coffee is a bitter drink, chocolate is sweet. When these two come together, the senses can be overwhelmed. How could you know what is good, if never having experienced bad? How could God rescue you, God reasoned, if no one was chasing you?

Morality was a necessity of evolution. It developed as a result of the human need for forming in groups. Groups were important for survival, morality was important for peaceful co-existence. Morality developed eons before humankind fabricated it’s first God. Religion, God-belief, co-opted the concept of morality, it did not invent it. Prove this? Prove God exists, then I will attempt it. It is simply common sense reasoning for which there are examples in primitive tribes of humans.

The good Christian, Christian defined as those who believe the Bible the inspired word of God, Jesus as God become man, …these good Christians who believe that morality is within the pages of the book claimed as the word of God, simply hasn’t read the Bible, or has decided that it contains cherries, which when picked stand alone without regard to whatever else is therein.

One of the prime mistakes of religion, specifically the Biblical religion, was making available the tree of knowledge via Satan. This event makes Satan seem nearly a benefactor to humanity. “The knowledge was of Good and Evil”, the not too bright Christian might admonish. Actually such knowledge is very important and even now protects human beings by diminishing their gullibility. (Except, of course, in the case of those hapless Christians)

The claim that “all good comes from God” is an arrogant one. This is a symptom of the Christian doctrine’s inherent arrogance. Those who dwell within the delusion cannot see it, but instead see it merely as God’s divine pronouncement. They view it as a ‘quality’ of their deity. Those looking from without the delusion can see it clearly for what it is…it is a claim of superior morality, the old “I am better than thou” syndrome. This has garnered the Christian delusion the disgust it justly deserves in many circles. The religion, as successful has it has been, might have been more so, had it not insisted in putting it’s dirty laundry on display, and it certainly is a type of dirty linen.

Turn your reason on, use your brain’s power to analyze, and go back and read that Bible. See the horrors for yourself, bronze age concepts of morality simply do not stand up today. Even Jesus said some really fascinating things, you will find, if examined with your mind in drive, rather than in neutral.

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